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Sunday, March 9, 2025 at 10:30 PM


Learn Lawn & Garden 101
Learn Lawn & Garden 101
Are you new to Central Texas or interested in learning more about how to take care of your yard? Make plans to join a seven-week Lawn & Garden 101 class presented by the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service. During the course, participants will learn about practical steps for selecting plants that grow well in Williamson County, conserving water in your landscape and caring for your lawn and trees. 01/08/2022 06:35 AM
Taylor Press publisher Jason Hennington addresses the Rotary Club of Taylor during its weekly meeting at Sirloin Stockade in Taylor Dec. 30 last year. Hennington talked about aspects of the newspaper, including how he and staff covered recent news of the Samsung Austin Semiconductor plant coming to Taylor. The Rotary meets every Thursday at noon at Sirloin Stockade, 3607 N. Main St. Courtesy photo 01/08/2022 06:35 AM
Walter R. Beran
Walter R. Beran
Walter R. Beran passed away Dec. 01/08/2022 06:35 AM
James Adolph Naizer
James Adolph Naizer
James Adolph Naizer, 81, of Clyde passed away Tuesday, Dec. 28, 2021, at his home. 01/08/2022 06:35 AM
Leslie Ann Zuehlke
Leslie Ann Zuehlke
Leslie Ann Zuehlke, of Thorndale, passed away peacefully and went to her heavenly home Wednesday, Jan. 5, 2022, at St. David’s Medical Center in Austin, after vigorously battling her cancer with positivity, grace and dignity for the past nine years. She was 58 years and 10 months old. 01/08/2022 06:35 AM
Rosalinda “Rosie” Gamez
Rosalinda “Rosie” Gamez
Rosalinda “Rosie” Gamez, passed away Dec. 31, 2021. 01/08/2022 06:35 AM
Neely O. Bingham Jr.
Neely O. Bingham Jr.
Neely O. Bingham, Jr. 01/08/2022 06:35 AM
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Remember not to forget
This column represents the thoughts and opinions of Jason Hennington. This is NOT the opinion of the Taylor Press. 01/08/2022 06:35 AM
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Renewed beginnings
This column represents the thoughts and opinions of Dr. Ron Braley. 01/08/2022 06:35 AM
City Manager Brian LaBorde (right) was Publisher Jason Hennington’s first guest on the monthly informational interview on the Taylor Press Facebook page. To submit questions for the next guest, email publisher@taylorpress.net. Photo by Matt Hooks
Jenkins next on Press interview series
Start next week with your fill of lunch and information about what’s going on in the city of Taylor. The second episode of the Taylor Press video interview series with city of Taylor staff will be Monday, Jan. 01/08/2022 06:35 AM
Williamson County government has released this map of relevant road projects near the construction of a planned Samsung Austin Semiconductor plant southeast of Taylor. The red line denotes where a future county road is planned for construction. Courtesy graphic / Williamson County
County talks new road
Details have been releases on a new county road southwest of Taylor meant to replace a road that is now closed to thru traffic. On Dec. 01/08/2022 06:35 AM
It is important to note that an arrest should not be considered as evidence of guilt. The defendants are presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. 01/08/2022 06:35 AM
DEC. 26 911 Call-No Report -700 block of Debus Dr Welfare Concern-No Report -600 block of Sloan St Theft-No Offense-Shell 501 N Main St Criminal Mischief- Report Taken-Murphy Park 1600 Veterans Dr Accident Minor- Citation-E Lake Dr/Jones St 911 Call-No Report -3570 block of W Second St Lost / Found Property-No Report -2500 block of Meadow Ln 911 Call-Officer Advised-3500 block of N Main St 911 Call-Officer Advised-1100 block of Sycamore St Fireworks Complaint- Officer Advised-W Third St/Branch St Welfare Concern- Officer Advised-Kings Mini Mart 619 N Main St Fireworks Complaint- Unable to Locate-Symes St/Dickey St Shots Fired-Unable to Locate-1200 block of Fairgrounds St Fireworks Complaint- No Report -700 block of Lizzie St DEC. 01/08/2022 06:35 AM
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In January...
CHAMBER Ribbon Cuttings Salt+Waves Salon & Dwell House Coffee and Tap Ribbon Cutting-Location: 2100 Muirfield Bend Dr, Hutto, TX 78634-3587, United States Join us for a dual Ribbon Cutting with Salt+Waves Salon & Dwell House Coffee and Tap Wednesday, Jan. 19, from 11 a.m. 01/08/2022 06:35 AM
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Jan. 12 Vision Board and Goal Setting Luncheon From 11:30 a.m. 01/08/2022 06:35 AM
Taylor Press