Sylvia Kay (Day) Malish
Sylvia Kay (Day) Malish

Kay is survived by her three married children, Eddie and Barbara (Anz) Malish, Robert and Marsha (Malish) Jones, all of Austin and Bobby and Michelle (Washer) Malish of Coppell.
She is also survived by her sister, Claudia Burgoon of Jarrell. She also greatly loved and doted over her three grandchildren and their significant others, Mark Malish (with JD Dauber), Emily Malish (Cody Jones, fiancé) and Jacqueline Malish (with Morgan Bromley). She also loved and cherished the nieces, nephews and cousins within her extended family. Her voice of comfort, caring and love and compassionate heart will be greatly missed. Full information can be found at: https://www.dignitymemorial. com/obituaries/ austin-tx/sylvia-malish- 11860217 Visitation was held from 6 to 8 p.m.
Friday, June 21, at Cook-Walden Funeral Home, 6100 N. Lamar Blvd. in Austin. A graveside service was held Saturday, June 22 at 11 a.m. at the Taylor City Cemetery, 1101 E.
Fourth St.
A celebration of life and memorial service will also be Saturday, June 22, at 2:30 p.m. at Northwest Hills United Methodist Church, 7050 Village Center Drive in Austin.
In Kay’s honor, do a good deed for your neighbor and love one another. If so moved, memorial donations to one of Kay’s favorite charities can be made at: Austin Smiles: https://austinsmiles. org/ Mobile Loaves & Fishes: Hill Country Youth Ranch: https://youthranch. org/