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Saturday, March 22, 2025 at 5:39 AM


On STEAM night at Coupland School, students enjoy the Temple College STEAM trailer that displays the subjects of science, technology, engineering, and math. Photo courtesy of Coupland School

Coupland Civic Organization

The Coupland Civic Organization (CCO) will hold a meeting on Monday, March 31, featuring the Williamson County Office of Emergency Management, the office that assists communities and coordinates resources for all-hazards management. The office will explain how they warn Central Texas of emergency hazards.

Residents can protect families and property by signing up for free to get official emergency alerts for their neighborhoods by texts, emails, or phone. The meeting will be held in the fellowship hall of St. Peter’s Church of Coupland with a supper at 6:30 p.m. and the program begins at 7.

The CCO’s April 28 meeting will be the annual meeting. Coupland Mayor Russell Schmidt will present “the state of the city” and CCO President Susan Schmidt will discuss the activities and events of 2024 and plans for 2025.

The meeting will be held in the St. Peter’s fellowship hall, with supper at 6:30 p.m. and the program at 7.

Coupland School

Feb. 3-7 was Counselor Appreciation Week, and Assistant Principal Kate Knapek said, “Happy Counselor Appreciation Week, Mrs. Kincaide!

Thank you for all you do to help our students, staff, and families!”

Coupland School celebrated “101 Days of School” with a donation drive for the Taylor Animal Shelter. Knapek said, “We collected Feb.

3-13 with delivery on Feb. 14. Thank you for participating!”

The Middle School Valentine’s Day Dance was on Feb. 14, from 6:30-9 p.m.

On Jan. 30, the school held STEAM night, highlighting STEM studies of science, technology, engineering, and math.

Knapek said, “Amazing STEAM night! Thank you to our PTA for the pizza! Thank you to our teachers for coming up with fun and engaging activities! And special thanks to Mrs. Kincaide for inviting the Temple College STEM Trailer!”

Superintendent Dr. Earl Parcell has announced that construction on the new Middle School is ahead of schedule. He said, “More than 80% of the 240 forty-foot piers have been drilled and filled with concrete.

After the piers have been drilled, Weaver & Jacobs will begin putting pier caps on the piers, installing grade beams and the mechanical, electrical, and plumbing requirements that need to be below or within the foundation.”

St. Peter’s Church of Coupland St. Peter’s Church of Coupland is partnering with the Taylor Lions Club to collect used eyeglasses for people in need, primarily in developing countries.

Bring prescription glasses, reading glasses, and sunglasses to the church office at 108 Wathen Street in Coupland from Monday to Thursday, 8 a.m. to Noon.

Children’s glasses are especially needed.

St. Peter’s Annual Congregational Meeting was held after Worship Service on Sunday, Jan.

19. Church Council President Michele Dupy gave an overview of new programs and accomplishments during 2024.

Ted Wittliff presented the proposed 2025 Budget, which was approved. Outgoing Council members Janet Doss, Carolyn Haverland, and Anita Holubec were recognized.

Ruby Wabbel and Kandice Samuelson were elected to serve threeyear terms on the Church Council. Prissy Rumel and Danny Smith are Vice Presidents, Ruby Wabbel is Secretary, and Kandice Samuelson is Financial Secretary.

The Men’s Brotherhood met at El Corral Lozano on Feb. 12, and the Ladies’ Circle hosted a social tea on Feb. 15. St.

Peter’s members enjoyed a Social Sunday meal on Feb. 23 at Meyer’s Elgin Smoke House.

Rev. Linda McWhorter said, “Beginning on February 16, I will be preaching an eight-week sermon series on the Lord’s Prayer and its connection with the Israelite journey as told in the Old Testament book of Exodus. And we invite everyone in the Coupland community to join us for our special Lent and Easter services.”

On Ash Wednesday, March 5, there was a soup supper at 6 p.m. with a Lenten Service at 7 p.m.

On Easter Morning, April 20, there will be a Sunrise Service and breakfast at 7:15 a.m., Easter Service at 10:15 a.m., and Community Easter Egg Hunt following Worship service.

The Ladies’ Circle will host the Community Senior Luncheon on the third Tuesday of March, May, July, September and November 2025. The next luncheon was Tuesday, March 18, at 11:30 a.m.

After lunch, attendees can play Bingo or 42 dominoes. The meal is free, but donations are appreciated. Please bring a $10 bingo prize if you are able.

St. Peter’s sermons and special music may be watched live on Sunday mornings or later on the St. Peter’s Facebook page, facebook.com/ stpeterscoupland. St.

Peter’s monthly newsletter is on the website at StPetersCoupland.org.

The church’s email is StPetersCoupland@gmail. com, and the phone is 512-856-2433.

New Sweden Church

Church Secretary Susan Rountree announced, “New Sweden has changed the game nights to game days. We will play games and have fellowship at 12:30 p.m., on the second, third, and fourth Thursdays. All are welcome to join in the fun and fellowship of card games, ping pong, and dominoes.”

The Ladies Bible studies continue to be on the first Thursday of each month at 6:30 p.m. Bible study with Rev. Hans Lillejord is the second and fourth Tuesdays at 10 a.m. “New Sweden’s Ash Wednesday service was March 5,” Rountree said.

“Weekly Lent services will be held each Wednesday at 7 p.m., with a meal at 6 p.m. Maundy Thursday is celebrated with Holy Communion on April 17.”

On Good Friday, April 18, there will be an evening meal followed by a movie. New Sweden will celebrate Easter Sunday with a Sunrise Service at the cemetery, breakfast, Easter egg hunt, and Worship with Holy Communion.

Rountree said, “Save the date. The annual New Sweden Church Heritage Festival will take place on Saturday, April 26, 3-7 p.m. There will be the traditional meal and a program. Make plans to attend; everyone is welcome.”

The New Sweden Congregation will be celebrating their 150th anniversary next year.

Planning is starting now for a great celebration. If members are interested in being on the committee to plan this event, just let Rev. Lillejord or the church office know.

Church Council Officers for 2025 are President Jack Atterstrom, Vice President Jenny Jordan, Secretary Cheri Burleson, Financial Secretary Kim Strong, and Treasurer Mavis Takatsuka.

The New Sweden website is www.newswedenelca. org and includes sermons by Lillejord, calendar events, and newsletters.

Manda School Stew Supper

Susan Erickson announced that Manda School will hold a community supper on Sunday, March 30, 5:30-7 p.m., with old-fashioned beef stew, cornbread, and tea.

Meals are $10 for adults and $5 for children 12 and under.

For information, email Erickson at susanericksontx@ gmail.com. She said, “Your check is your reservation and may be sent to Debra Akard, P.O.

Box 398, Coupland, TX 78615. This fundraiser is sponsored by Friends of Manda School, dedicated to the preservation of the last two-room school in Travis County.”

Huntington Sculpture Foundation Open House Wells Mason announced the First Annual Huntington Sculpture Foundation Open House to be held at the Huntington Sculpture Garden in downtown Coupland on Saturday, April 5, from noon until 4 p.m.

Come see the beautiful sculptures by Coupland’s internationally known Jim Huntington and visit with Jim about his life’s work. The Open House has been organized by Wells and Jessica Mason of Coupland’s Ironwood Industries, specializing in sculptural objects, architectural elements, and architectural hardware for residential and commercial environments.

Mrs. Kincaide and Coupland Pre-K students celebrate Counselor Appreciation Week. Photo courtesy of Coupland School


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