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Monday, March 31, 2025 at 4:24 PM

Annex for Samsung on deck

Another step for the recently announced Samsung plant to come to Taylor is up for approval Thursday. On Jan.

Another step for the recently announced Samsung plant to come to Taylor is up for approval Thursday.

On Jan. 13, the Taylor City Council will hold public hearings and consider ordinances in regards to annexation of land where a Samsung Austin Semiconductor plant is to be built. The hearings will be during Thursday’s regularly scheduled meeting, followed by a special called meeting where the Council will consider approval.

The ordinances are:

• 2022-03 – Annexation of a parcel of land, consisting of approximately 1,268.23 acres, located at the former intersection of county roads 401 and 404; and

• 2022-04 – Change of zoning of the same land upon annexation from a single-family residential zoning to heavy industrial zoning with a commercial planned development overlay.

On Nov. 23, Gov. Greg Abbott announced that Samsung plans to invest $17 billion and build a semiconductor manufacturing plant on six million square feet in Taylor. The plant is expected to create 2,585 new jobs, with 785 indirect jobs and 1,800 direct employment positions at the facility.

Thursday’s ordinances come after the Dec. 9 approval to expand the city’s extraterritorial jurisdiction (ETJ) through a voluntary request of the owner. Taylor’s municipal government had received a petition from Samsung for the voluntary inclusion of land within the city’s ETJ. The expansion made way for annexation to follow.

“That’ll get them all teed up to be able to actually start submitting permit applications for their facility,” said Tom Yantis, city development services director, “and the land will ultimately wholly be within the city limits.”

In other business, the council plans to:

• receive a check from the Taylor Pickleball Group

• introduce an ordinance to revise another ordinance pertaining to the use, operation and conduct of the Taylor Municipal Airport;

• introduce an ordinance to amend the 2022 fiscal year budget;

• consider approval of submission of a grant application to the Department of Homeland Security – FEMA for 2021 fiscal year Staffing for Adequate Fire and Emergency Response grant program;

• consider approving a contract with Simplecity Design for the update of the city’s development ordinances;

• consider approving a resolution for development of an airport master plan; and

• enter into executive session regarding a petition for Municipal Utility District 45 in the Taylor ETJ, Thrall Certificate of Convenience and Necessity settlement, and airport hangar lease.

The council meeting will commence at 6 p.m. at city hall, 400 Porter St., in the council chamber. Those who wish to share their thoughts and comments, which are limited to three minutes, should sign up no later than 5:45 p.m.

The council agenda and live video stream of the meeting can be found on the city website at http://www.taylortx.gov.


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