Once again, Taylor ranked highly with its National Night Out performance.
Taylor first responders placed 14th in the country and third in Texas for a town of its size in terms of participation with the annual NNO event, held Oct. 3.
Taylor competed against areas with a 15,000 to 50,000 resident population.
“I am grateful for the Taylor police personnel who participated and made this a successful event,” Chief Henry Fluck said. “The residents of the city of Taylor are also to be commended for their show of support for our department.”
A national movement, NNO is designed to heighten crime and drug prevention awareness, strengthen neighborhood spirit and policecommunity partnerships and generate support and participation in local anti-crime efforts. This was its 40th year of existence.
Rather than taking place in a specific setting, there were 13 different block parties throughout Taylor. Residents who participated in the festivities gathered at a designated park, yard or driveway to enjoy time with neighbors.

Noah Arellano, 4, is taught the inner workings of a firetruck by Taylor Fire Department Lt. Trent Pokorny during National Night Out Tuesday, Oct. 3. Photo by Hunter Dworaczyk
Police officers and firefighters joined the festivities by celebrating with the residents to introduce themselves.
Each first responder appeared at about three of the block parties.
“I am proud of the community we serve and their willingness to show leadership in organizing their neighborhoods to be a part of this year’s National Night Out,” Fluck said.
Claudia Parisella was the event coordinator and is commended for her leadership, Taylor PD said.
Last year, the city’s NNO ranked 17th in the country and fourth in the state for areas of its size. “
I am proud of the community we serve and their willingness to show leadership in organizing their neighborhoods to be a part of this year’s National Night Out.”
-Police Chief Henry Fluck