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Friday, September 27, 2024 at 8:32 PM

The supernatural God: Rebellion & disinheritance

This column represents the thoughts and opinions of Dr. Ron Braley.

This column represents the thoughts and opinions of Dr. Ron Braley. This is NOT the opinion of the Taylor Press.

As we’ve learned recently, Elohim represents supernatural beings spanning multiple realms. Many compose God’s Divine Council led by Creator YHVH.

Long after creation, He gave others control of the nations (except for Israel). And some went rogue, so He warned us not to elevate other gods above Him (e.g., Exodus 20:3). Hint: the other ‘gods’ are not your car, money, or Sunday football, but real spiritual entities! Let’s explore Elohim rebels in order, starting with Satan.

Original rebel, Satan He and others existed before we did: “Where were you [Job] when I laid the foundation of the earth? . . . And all the sons of God shouted for joy?” (Job 38:4-7) Satan then frequented Eden: “You had the seal of perfection, full of wisdom and perfect in beauty. You were in Eden, the garden of God . . .” (Ezekiel 28:12-14) But, he rebelled and lost his authority: “. .

. you sinned; Therefore I have cast you as profane from the mountain of God . . .” (Ezekiel 28:16) Satan then tried turning people away from YHVH starting with Eve. Afterward, other Elohim oversaw out-of-Eden humans until they rebelled too.

Rebel watchers

Eventually, YHVH appointed Elohim to watch over humankind. I encourage you to read Enoch’s accounts and Jude’s reference (Jude 1:6-7). But they corrupted people physically and morally (e.g., Genesis 6:1-22). The Creator finally sent these renegades to an underworld prison. Thousands of years later, Jesus sealed and proclaimed their fate with His death (1 Peter 3:18-20—watch the context!) But Elohim watchers weren’t the last spiritual rebels.

Rebel inheritors

Satan and the Watchers sinned greatly out of free will, just as we do. So, YHVH attempted rebirth through the Great Flood, encouraging Noah and his family to reproduce God-fearing people. They didn’t. Another rebel, Nimrod, tried to rise above YHVH, who then temporarily disinherited the nations except for eventually Israel (Deuteronomy 32:7-12). The nation-inheriting Elohim have managed most of humanity ever since for about four thousand years. However, they became power-hungry and began sinning too. In Psalm 82, God chastises them for acting unjustly, and He sets their fate. Daniel learned that these spiritual beings control rulers negatively and invoke conflict in the heavenly realm (Daniel 10:13 & 21). Paul corroborates this by highlighting the ongoing battle against spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places (Ephesians 6:12).


Satan was the first Elohim rebel; the Watchers and inheritors of the nations followed.

Knowing this should help us understand why evil is rampant, especially in governance and concerning the coming end-of-the-world cosmic battle. But God began His reclamation of the nations at Pentecost, and there’ll be a day of reckoning for Satan, the Watchers, and the rogue nation inheritors! So, in the final of four parts, we’ll “go all apocalypse” and unveil Elohim’s cosmic end-times conflict and its perfect resolution by our Creator, YHVH! Questions or comments? Email news@taylorpress. net.

Blessings and peace, Dr. Ron Braley, MDiv, DMin.


Taylor Press
