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Friday, September 27, 2024 at 8:23 AM


CITY COUNCIL AT-LARGE TAYLOR ISD AT-LARGE Three challengers and one incumbent are facing off for the at-large seat on the Taylor City Council. In addition, one candidate is challenging the incumbent for the atlarge spot on the Taylor Independent School District board.
Jim Buzan
Jim Buzan


Three challengers and one incumbent are facing off for the at-large seat on the Taylor City Council.

In addition, one candidate is challenging the incumbent for the atlarge spot on the Taylor Independent School District board.

Early voting runs from April 24 to May 2, and Election Day is May 6.

TAYLOR CITY COUNCIL AT-LARGE INCUMBENT: Dwayne Ariola AGE: 56 Ariola was born in Taylor, left at age 18, and then returned in 2012. He has worked as the director of technical services for six years at Mountain States-South at CAI.

VOLUNTEER WORK: Mentor at Taylor Middle School, former mentor at Naomi Pasemann Elementary School, founding member of Ducks Paving the Way, member of Kiwanis Club since 2013, vice commander of American Legion Post 39 in Taylor, member of Greater Taylor Area Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. March & Celebration Committee, co-chair of the Citizens for Taylor for the Taylor ISD Bond, Taylor Economic Development Corp. board from 2018 to 2022, volunteer for Taylor Citywide Cleanup, volunteer for “Food Dudes” for the Texas Educational Enrichment Foundation multiple years, 9-11 Memorial March participant, volunteer for the American Legion’s Veteran’s Day Breakfast and July 4th celebration, participant of National Night Out and proponent of Taylor Fire Department Honor Guard Academy.



WHAT ARE YOU BEST KNOWN FOR?: After 20 years in the Navy, I have never been able to leave tasks unfinished. I’ll work a problem until we have it solved.


My parents and my faith taught me “Think before you speak, or act and always treat people as you want to be treated.”


Janetta McCoy AGE: 76 McCoy, professor emerita, has lived in Taylor for 12 years and has been retired for two years.


Ambassador, board member and a chair for the Greater Taylor Chamber of Commerce, chair of Taskforce to Repurpose Old Taylor High, founder and chair of Music on Main, speaker at the Moody Musuem on “The Women of Pecan Manor.”

PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE IN ELECTED/APPOINTED POSITION: In addition to the previously listed positions, vice chair of the Public Arts Advisory Board.

WHAT ARE YOU BEST KNOWN FOR?: My handson approach to hosting guests at Pecan Manor parties, meals, political events and swimming brought me in close personal communication with a wide variety of people for over 10 years. I have conducted several public workshops for Old Taylor High and Music on Main. At Music on Main, I run the booth for selling merchandise, collecting tips and accepting donations. My work with the Greater Taylor Chamber of Commerce made me a public figure.

PHILOSOPHY OF LIFE: Be kind, study, work hard, and do what is right.

TAYLOR CITY COUNCIL AT-LARGE CANDIDATE: Rick Von Pfeil AGE: 52 For the past five years, Von Pfeil has been retired and is an angel investor.


Medical missions, toy drives, food kitchens.

PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE IN ELECTED/APPOINTED POSITION: Vice president of international trade for three years and appointed vice president for international investment for one year.

WHAT ARE YOU BEST KNOWN FOR?: As a financial professional, I am known to be very analytical and thorough, with an ability to find creative solutions for improving profitability and re-engineering processes and streamlining operations.

PHILOSOPHY OF LIFE: My philosophy is to be more than just a good person, go out and do good. Do good things for people in need, for your company, for your church, for society. Be active and do good.


Sandra Wolff AGE: 62 Wolff, who has been retired since 2007, has lived in Taylor for about 40 years, became a first-time homeowner in Taylor in 1991 and has owned her current home since September 2007. “I have been enjoying Taylor since the ‘80s,” said Wolff, a longtime farmer, who is disabled.


Despite having a disability, Wolff said she is “handicapable to give a hand up.”


WHAT ARE YOU BEST KNOWN FOR?: Struggling workaholic, “handicapable” with ergonomics

in recovery.


“There is good in the worst of us, and bad in the best of us, that it ill behooves any of us to find fault with the rest of us.” — James Truslow Adams

TAYLOR ISD AT-LARGE INCUMBENT: Jim Buzan AGE: 56 Buzan has lived in Taylor more than 20 years. “I was born and raised here, moved away after college and have been back for four years,” he said. For more than 30 years, Buzan has been selfemployed and is the owner of the 74 Man Store in Taylor.


Serving homebound members of the St. Mary’s Catholic Church, bagging groceries at Shepherd’s Heart, being a Lunch Munch mentor at Taylor Middle School, serving at St. Mary’s Knights of Columbus and Taylor Rotary Club.

PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE IN ELECTED/APPOINTED POSITION: In addition to Taylor ISD trustee at-large since 2020, Buzan has served as St. Mary’s Catholic Capital Campaign co-chair, on the Parish Council at St. Stephens Catholic Church in Midland, at the nonprofit Family Promise in Midland, at Helping Hands in Midland and on numerous sports boards and committees in support of his children.

WHAT ARE YOU BEST KNOWN FOR?: My work ethic, being compassionate toward those in need, having passion for the things I believe in and the willingness to sacrifice for the people I love. I try to treat all those I encounter with kindness and respect and help my friends and neighbors when needed.

I’ve always prided myself on being a fierce competitor and someone whom you can count on “When the going gets tough.”

PHILOSOPHY OF LIFE: “To whom much is given, much is expected.”

TAYLOR ISD AT-LARGE CANDIDATE: Lisa Baum AGE: 47 Baum has lived in

Taylor and worked as an educator four years.


Volunteering as a youth soccer coach, working with students on their soccer skills and their sportsmanship. Each year, Baum helps with her church’s Easter egg hunt. During the recent ice storm, Baum handed out water to those in need. She has helped with setting up Taylor Fire Department fundraisers and assisted with Parent Teacher Organization fundraisers to support her students’ schools to make sure they could provide field trips, field days and other events for the children.

PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE IN ELECTED/APPOINTED POSITION: For six years, Baum was a member of the Bradfield Village Homeowners’ Association. “I worked with my neighbors to solve problems, create neighborhood events, and organize our National Night Out event,” she said. “It was a rewarding experience, as I was able to know my neighbors and was able to help them in times of need.”

WHAT ARE YOU BEST KNOWN FOR?: I am best known as a compassionate, caring person who does anything that I can to help support my family, my friends, and my community. I am known for being an outstanding teacher who has been successful helping students reach their full potential. I was (Science Teacher Associations of Texas) Teacher of the Year and Administrator of the Year for encouraging my students to pursue careers in the science field and preparing them for those fields.

PHILOSOPHY OF LIFE: Live in the moment, be present and spend time with your family and friends. Don’t put off things until tomorrow, do them today, as tomorrow may not come.

Lisa Baum

Lisa Baum

Dwayne Ariola

Dwayne Ariola

Janetta McCoy

Janetta McCoy

Rick Von Pfeil

Rick Von Pfeil

Sandra Wolff

Sandra Wolff


Taylor Press
