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Thursday, September 19, 2024 at 4:47 PM

Reality versus expectations

Editor’s note: We’re looking for a variety of young voices to contribute to “Hits Different.” If you’d like to write a commentary, send it to Area Editor Jason Hennington at jason.hennington@ granitemediapartners. com.

Editor’s note: We’re looking for a variety of young voices to contribute to “Hits Different.” If you’d like to write a commentary, send it to Area Editor Jason Hennington at jason.hennington@ granitemediapartners. com.

Life is full of disappointments.

A couple of years ago, there was an image floating around the internet displaying a picture-perfect fastfood hamburger from a television commercial.

The burger looked pristine, with a fluffy bun, a juicy patty and crisp lettuce peeking out.

However, this picture in the meme was contrasted with the image of an actual order a customer received, namely, a sad and floppy burger with a squished bun and a dry patty.

At the top of the image were the words, “Expectation vs. Reality.”

Expectations and reality can be easy to conflate and often difficult to separate.

Differentiating between the two, however, and replacing expectations with gratitude can be the key to lasting happiness in any situation.

A few months ago, my family and I took a trip to southern California. Our first stop was San Diego, and being from a place that had seen a lot of damp and cool conditions, the sunny weather was a welcome bonus to all the city had to offer.

San Diego consistently exceeded our expectations. The beaches were beautiful, the food was fabulous, and our visit to the San Diego Zoo Safari Park allowed us to get closer to African wildlife than we ever had before.

Reflecting on our adventures in San Diego as we drove up to Los Angeles, the second stop on our trip, I was filled with anticipation.

Surely if San Diego was amazing, Los Angeles would be even better. I was fully prepared for all the glitz and glamor of Hollywood. Many of the movies I had seen during my life portrayed L.A. as a magical place where all the celebrities lived.

After a long car ride, we finally reached an iconic Los Angeles In-NOut Burger. I stepped out of the car into the warm sunshine and took a deep breath, ready to absorb all L.A. had to offer. Unfortunately, I was offered nothing.

Given my high expectations, I was not prepared for the famous “La La Land” to smell like a disgusting mix of weed and urine. On top of this, the traffic was unbearable and the sidewalks were poorly maintained. To add insult to injury, I did not spot a single celebrity during our entire trip.

My friend remarked to me afterward that it was probably more impressive that I didn’t see any celebrities. I’m not sure about the truth of that statement, but I do know now that expectations are not necessarily truths.

Hoping or wishing for something can be tricky.

Sometimes an experience exceeds your expectations, but too often it falls short. With the wrong outlook, this can seemingly set you up for lifelong disappointment. A better option is out there. Choosing to approach every situation with an “attitude of gratitude” (as cliché as it may sound) has helped me work on finding the positive in every situation.

Deciding to be grateful, whether it be solely for the experience itself or the shared memories being made with others, allows you to be content no matter how a situation unfolds.


Taylor Press
