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Sunday, September 22, 2024 at 11:33 AM

City to mull restricted growth sector Nov. 29

The City of Taylor is inviting residents to a public meeting to discuss the restricted growth sector, as an update to the Envision Taylor Comprehensive Plan. The meeting will be held on Tuesday, Nov.

The City of Taylor is inviting residents to a public meeting to discuss the restricted growth sector, as an update to the Envision Taylor Comprehensive Plan.

The meeting will be held on Tuesday, Nov. 29, from 6-7:30 p.m. at the Taylor Public Library, 801 Vance St.

“We are reviewing the policies that were adopted in the comprehensive plan related to those areas that don’t have infrastructure that we call the restricted growth area,” said Assistant City Manager Tom Yantis. “And so we are going back, and we reengaged our consultants who did the comprehensive plan to help us through a process to look at that area to see are there any things that we need to do differently based on the feedback that those landowners have given us or based on plans that may have changed related to infrastructure extensions, that sort of thing.”

At issue are areas of Taylor and the extraterritorial jurisdiction (ETJ) that have been put off limits for dense housing, industrial, commercial or retail development because of the high cost of extending wastewater services to those areas.

During the initial planning process most Taylor ratepayers urged fiscal restraint in extending infrastructure to allow for future development.

But some landowners now believe they are losing out on selling their land at top dollar because they are in an area with a “restricted growth” or “minimal change land use” designation.

City officials said the purpose of the update is to clarify growth policies.

“During the public meeting, participants will hear a presentation about the growth sectors map and any development pressure within area and provide input about policy updates or clarifications that can help the community reach the goals of the Envision Taylor Comprehensive Plan,” according to the city.

For more information about the comprehensive plan, including a growth sector map, which can be found on page 12, go to http:// www.taylortx.gov/ DocumentCenter/ View/12784/Envision-Taylor-Comprehensive-Plan-First-Amendment?bidId= Reporter Travis Poling contributed to this report.


Taylor Press
