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Tuesday, March 11, 2025 at 2:52 PM


HERITAGE SQUARE FARMERS MARKET The Farmers Market is typically every Saturday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.


The Farmers Market is typically every Saturday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Heritage Square, 400 N. Main St. in Taylor. For updates, visit https://www.facebook.com/ heritagesquarefarmersmarket.


Fresh fruits, vegetables, jelly, canned and baked goods, eggs, artisan crafts and more will be at the Granger Main Street Farmers Market on the first and third Saturdays from April through October from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the corner of W. Davilla and Walton streets in Granger.


Every third Thursday of the month, Taylor’s downtown businesses will be open past 5 until 8 p.m. and offer in-store specials, live music, door prizes and other activities. The event is designed to encourage residents to shop locally and become familiar with the shops in the downtown area.


The Friends of the Taylor Public Library group meets on the fourth Tuesday of each month at 1 p.m. in the library’s board room at 801 Vance St. in Taylor. For more information, call Maria Newman at 512-966-9445.


American Legion Graham D Luhn Post 39 holds monthly meetings on the first Tuesday of each month at 6:30 p.m. at its post building at 1310 Sycamore St. within Murphy Park in Taylor. Veterans as well as American Legion members are invited to attend. For more information, visit https://www. taylortxlegion39.org, email taylortxlegion39@ gmail.com or call



Every Friday, SPJST Lodge 29 hosts live music and dancing and serves hamburgers at its hall at 5025 FM 619 in Taylor. Bands play from 7:30 to 11:30 p.m.

Admission is free.

SPJST is a fraternal organization. org.

Residents can purchase life insurance, annuities or other items in order to become a member of the SPJST. The hall is open for business Wednesdays through Sundays from 3 to 10 p.m.


The Taylor Area Businesswomen’s (TAB) luncheon meetings are held at noon on the fourth Tuesday of each month at Gatti’s Pizza, 2708 N. Main St. in Taylor. All current, former and interested businesswomen are invited to attend. Meals are $10.

Tell Gattis at the door you are with TAB and pay the treasurer in the meeting room. For more information, call Regina Carlson at 512-352-4321 or email her at [email protected] WEIGHT LOSS GROUP

The Taylor Take Off Pounds Sensibly Chapter 1343 will have in-person meetings of their weight-loss support group Thursdays at 4:30 p.m. at Grace Place, 301 Grace Lane in Taylor.

Members are recommitting to continuance of their health journeys and invite others who’ve struggled with their weight to join them at the meeting.

Attendees should use the office entrance to Grace Place.


Enjoy Bingo with seniors every Wednesday at The Tripp Center, 1517 McLain St. near Mills Lane in Taylor, from 9 to 10:30 a.m.

People are encouraged to bring one or two prizes.


On the second Tuesday every month, seniors are encouraged to partake in games and/or a meeting at The Tripp Center, 1517 McLain St. near Mills Lane in Taylor. The meeting will be at 9:30 a.m., and Game Day will be from 2 to 4 p.m.


On the fourth Tuesday every month, seniors are invited to play 42 and Straight Dominoes at Taylor Brethren Church’s Friends Fellowship, 710 Sloan St. in Taylor, from 2 to 4 p.m.

Game awards are presented, and anniversaries and birthdays are presented. A light meal will be served. For more information, call 512-627-0685.


On the first Sunday every month, the Bat City Pinball Club will host a tournament at The Hangout Pinball Lounge. The Hangout is located in Room 102 at Old Taylor High, 410 W. 7th St. in Taylor. Tournament entry is $10 with a 90% payout as prizes. Every skill set is welcome. For more information, visit http:// www.facebook.com/groups/ BatCityPinball.

Do you have a public event coming up in the next two months? If you would like for your happening to be included here, email your event to news@taylorpress. net or mail/bring it to our office at 211 W. Third St, Taylor, TX 76574.

Listings for Upcoming Events are free. Submissions will be printed as space allows, so keep entries brief.

Longer submissions may be subject to edits, printed elsewhere in the newspaper, or exclusion.

If more exposure is needed, consider purchasing an ad instead. Call us at 512-352-8535 and we’ll be happy to help you.


Taylor Press