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Monday, March 31, 2025 at 3:55 PM

First Trail of Lights a success

INAUGURAL TRAIL OF LIGHTS Jonathan Jones, Coupland Civic Organization (CCO) board member, organized Coupland’s first annual Trail of Lights. Jones envisioned a winter wonderland of white lights bordering every property.


Jonathan Jones, Coupland Civic Organization (CCO) board member, organized Coupland’s first annual Trail of Lights. Jones envisioned a winter wonderland of white lights bordering every property. As a Trail of Lights centerpiece, he decorated the historic Depot and caboose.

Jones says, “We asked for white lights on every property that faces a street or road. The goal was to create a holiday Trail of Lights through the city with as much participation of community members as we could get.”

He adds, “The Trail of Lights seemed to be a success. A lot of people around Coupland participated, and we had a little extra traffic on the weekends. I assume they were here to look at the lights.”

He received compliments for the Depot, and the city of Coupland was well lit for Christmas. Jones concludes, “I am really looking forward to this being an annual tradition that garners more and more participation each year.”


In the November election, incumbent Mayor Jack Piper was re-elected. Incumbent Alderwomen Karen Marosko and Susan Garry were also reelected. Voters approved reauthorizing the local sales and use tax for 0.25% dedicated to Coupland road repair.


Coupland students enjoyed the annual Breakfast with Santa, always a fun event with a delicious breakfast and visiting with Santa.

Thanks to Jenny Slauson for reporting on the success of Coupland students at the Williamson County Livestock Show.

Slauson notes, “The Taylor 4H group was very successful, and the Coupland families did well, too.”

Her daughter, Isabella, won Best in Show for Photography, Division 2 and 3. She placed with rabbits and pigs.

Slauson said, “Coupland’s Harper Doss received third with goats, rabbits, and turkey! She also had a grand champion in Youth Fair for her cookies.”

She adds, “Landon and Nolan Schiller from Coupland received many good ribbons with lambs, chickens, pigs and turkeys.”


For their Jan. 31 meeting, the Coupland Civic Organization will be treated to a tour of the new and renovated school facilities by Superintendent Tammy Brinkman. Thank you, Superintendent Brinkman, for your generous offer to show residents the wonderful new building and the redone old facilities. Of special interest will be the new regulation size gym, which Coupland has needed for many years.


Firefighters are in the midst of the Driver Pump Operator (DPO) course, at Weir fire station.

CVFD Assistant Chief John Roulston-Bates says, “From now until March 2022, students will be dedicating their Monday nights to qualify for their state DPO certification and provide their volunteer fire departments with skilled fire engine driver/operators.”

As call volume continues to grow, CVFD is looking for more people to join. Roulston-Bates notes, “No experience is needed. We’ll provide all the training you need. You just need a willingness to serve your community.” Training is at 7 p.m.

Training is at 7 p.m. every Thursday night at Coupland Fire Station, 403 FM 1466, Coupland.


Prissy Rumel organized the annual horseback caroling sponsored by St. Peter’s. The caroling started around 3:30 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 12.

Rumel commented, “We enjoyed caroling in Coupland. Thanks to all the residents that were able to share this with us. We had 12 horses, a stroller, a Jeep and two scooters.”

Lois Schmidt, cochair of the Senior Luncheons, reports on the 2021 luncheons.

“We have had three Senior Citizens Luncheons in July, September and November 2021. We have had good attendance at all luncheons, especially our Thanksgiving meal,” she said. “We appreciate all of our hostesses and helpers. We thank everyone who brought prizes for bingo and to Pastor Charles for his blessings.”

The next Luncheon will be Jan. 18, at 11:30 a.m. Schmidt and Co-Chair Sandra Wernli hope everybody can come in the New Year. Bring a prize under $10 if you are playing Bingo. “42” dominoes will also be played.

Saturday, Dec. 11, marked the annual adult Christmas party hosted by Ted and Cynthia Wittliff at their new home. The annual Children’s Christmas Program was Dec. 19.

Sharon Kreidel notes, “Thanks to all who participated and all who put this together: Stephanie Finn Ochoa, with help from Stacy Finn, Samantha Ging Valchar, and Mary Kreidel. All the kids did a great job, and we loved watching our grandchildren be a part of this.”

The annual congregational meeting was held Jan. 9 right after worship service. New council members were elected and the 2022 budget was approved.

Interim Pastor Charles Stark says, “Heart of Texas Association Minister Nikki Stahl will join us Jan. 23 for morning worship. After service, we will enjoy a delicious potluck lunch. Bring your favorite dish to share.”

On Jan. 29 at 9 a.m. the church council will have their annual retreat in the fellowship hall.

Every Tuesday at 9:30 a.m., all are invited to the coffee Connections gathering in the conference room. Stark welcomes all community members to services at 10:15 a.m. Sunday mornings, including potluck lunch after services on the fourth Sunday of each month. For more information, see www.CouplandChurch. org or email StPetersCoupland@ gmail.com.


New Sweden celebrated the Swedish St. Lucia during Christmas Sing-Along Sunday, Dec. 12. This year, Makina Mabry portrayed Lucia. Maybry is the daughter of Chris and Janet Mabry and granddaughter of David and Terry Ramm.

On Dec. 18, the New Sweden WELCA hosted ladies for Delights of December – holiday festivities and socializing at a catered luncheon. Beautiful decorated tables were displayed, and there was an ornament exchange.

The children’s Christmas program was held Dec. 19. The Sunday School children performed during worship service. The Christmas Eve candlelight worship service was Dec. 24 at 7 p.m. Christmas dawn Julotta was Dec. 25 at 7 a.m. In Swedish, Jul means Yule and otta means dawn; this service celebrates the birth of Jesus. Breakfast was served in the Parish hall after the service.

Ladies’ bible study began Jan. 6. It will be the first Thursday of each month, 6:30 to 8 p.m. in the fellowship hall. There will be a light supper followed by informal bible study. The next bible study will be Feb. 3.

New Sweden’s adult Sunday school is at 9:15 a.m., and children’s Sunday school is at 9:30 a.m. Every fourth Sunday after services, a potluck meal is served. A Swedish interest group meets every first Monday at 12:30 p.m. Second and third Thursdays mark game nights with cards and dominoes. The church is at 12809 New Sweden Church Road.

Contact information is newswedenchurch@ gmail.com and www.newswedenelca.org.


Type Church worship services are at 10:30 every Sunday. There is children’s church, and a nursery is available. Communion is the first Sunday of every month.

Pastor Terry says, “Everyone is invited to observe the service of holy communion, both children and adults.”

Bible study is on Wednesdays with fellowship at 6 p.m. and study at 6:30.

Type Church is at 1200 County Road 466, about five miles eastsoutheast of Coupland. To reach Pastor Terrence Kennedy, email [email protected] or phone 512-599-7761. See the Church facebook: Type,Church.1 to listen to sermons.

St. Peter’s Children’s Christmas Program. Photo courtesy of Sharon Kreidel

St. Peter’s Children’s Christmas Program. Photo courtesy of Sharon Kreidel

Jaxson and Acelyn Herring enjoy their visit with Santa at Coupland School’s Breakfast with Santa. Photo by Megan Herring

Jaxson and Acelyn Herring enjoy their visit with Santa at Coupland School’s Breakfast with Santa. Photo by Megan Herring

Drone shot of Depot and caboose taken by Max Marosko III, of RaptAir.

Drone shot of Depot and caboose taken by Max Marosko III, of RaptAir.

From left: Harper Doss and her prize-winning goat. Nolan Schiller and his prize-winning lamb. Bella Slauson and her two Best in Show awards for photography. Photos courtesy of Jenny Slauson

From left: Harper Doss and her prize-winning goat. Nolan Schiller and his prize-winning lamb. Bella Slauson and her two Best in Show awards for photography. Photos courtesy of Jenny Slauson


Taylor Press