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Wednesday, September 18, 2024 at 9:02 PM

Coupland Civic Organization to tour new school

The Coupland Civic Organization will have something new and different for their Jan. 31 meeting. Instead of having a program at the St. Peter’s Fellowship Hall, residents will be treated to a tour of the new and renovated Coupland School facilities hosted by Superintendent Tammy Brinkman. Thank you, Superintendent Brinkman, for your generous offer to show residents the wonderful new building and the renovated old facilities. Of special interest will be the new regulation size gym which Coupland has needed for many years.

The Coupland Civic Organization will have something new and different for their Jan. 31 meeting. Instead of having a program at the St. Peter’s Fellowship Hall, residents will be treated to a tour of the new and renovated Coupland School facilities hosted by Superintendent Tammy Brinkman. Thank you, Superintendent Brinkman, for your generous offer to show residents the wonderful new building and the renovated old facilities. Of special interest will be the new regulation size gym which Coupland has needed for many years.

Meet Monday, Jan. 31, at 6:30 p.m., at the school, not at the fellowship hall.

Coupland School

Assistant Principal Kate Knapek congratulates the Coupland Students who participated in the UIL One Act Play Jan. 6 in Temple.

She says, “They performed Oz by Don Zolidis, which is about a character named Beth who suddenly finds herself in the land of Oz following the death of her sister. The students rehearsed all semester and came in second place overall.” Awards went to the

Awards went to the following students, Best Crew – Jackson Havens and Ben Kanten; Honorable Mention – Miranda Herring, Sara Herring and Sofia Durrwachter; All Star Cast – Adriana Sandoval, Maddie Moore and Kody Smith; Best Performer – Jourden Violette.

Knapek adds, “Special thanks to Annie Violette for all of her hard work with our students.”

Coupland students competed in the UIL competitions Dec. 2, 6 and 8.

Knapek says, “We are so proud of our students for trying out, working hard, and representing Coupland ISD.” For a list of spe

For a list of specific awards, please see the Coupland Civic Organization website couplandtx.org. Click on Coupland Herald and scroll down.

Coupland Volunteer Fire Department (CVFD)

Coupland VFD will be holding their 43rd Annual Chili Supper fundraiser Saturday, Feb. 26, starting at 5 p.m. until they run out. Assistant Fire Chief

Assistant Fire Chief John Roulston-Bates says, “For a second year we’ll be operating as a drive-through, to ensure we can still have this event that means so much to us, but safely. As usual we’ll be serving chili in mild, moderate, or hot, along with dessert.”

Everything is offered for donations.

The memberships of Coupland and Thrall VFDs voted unanimously to request the ESD#10 board to move fire service into a single ESD#10 fire department.

Roulston-Bates explains, “We anticipate that during 2022 we’ll merge into one department within Williamson County ESD#10, with Coupland and Thrall stations. By combining into a single fire department, we’ll move from two separate teams of 15 volunteer firefighters, to a single team of 30 working under a unified command structure. We’ll be able to better adapt to the increasing call volume and operate more effectively.”

The ESD#10 board has approved the budget for a new 3,000-gallon water tender. This will be the first new truck purchased since 2009. Roulston-Bates notes, “As a rural fire department one of our biggest challenges is getting the water we need to our fire scenes. Most of our territory is out in the country where the nearest hydrant could be a mile or more away.”

He adds, “Coupland’s Engine 1 has a 1,500 gallon tank, but this still only gives us 5 - 10 minutes of water. Getting ‘big water’ to our scenes quickly is essential, and something this new tender will allow us to do.”

St. Peter’s Church of Coupland

The Church Council has welcomed new members Cindy Alexander, Anita Holubec and Peter Wabbel and gives special thanks for their years of service to outgoing members Judy Downing, Barbara Piper and Ted Wittliff. New officers are Sharon Kreidel, President; Roy Morris, Vice President; Cindy Alexander, Secretary; Janet Doss, Treasurer; and Anita Holubec, Financial Secretary.

On Jan. 29 at 9 a.m. the Church Council will have their annual retreat in the Fellowship Hall.

Every Tuesday at 9:30 a.m., all are invited to the Coffee Connections gathering in the conference room. The Confirmation Class is 5 to 6 p.m. in the conference room. The St. Peter’s Diners for this month was cancelled due to the surge in COVID-19.

Interim Pastor Charles Stark welcomes all community members to services at 10:15 a.m. on Sunday mornings, including potluck lunch after services on the fourth Sunday of each month. For more information, see www.CouplandChurch. org or email StPetersCoupland@ gmail.com.

Lois Schmidt, cochair of the Senior Luncheons, reports on the 2021 luncheons.

“We had three Senior Citizens Luncheons in July, September and November 2021. We have had good attendance at all luncheons, especially our Thanksgiving meal.”

She adds, “We appreciate all of our hostesses and helpers. We thank everyone who brought prizes for bingo and to Pastor Charles for his blessings.”

Forty senior citizens, hostesses and helpers attended the Senior Citizens Luncheon on January 18. Hostesses were Sandra Wernli, Becky Sutton, Cynthia Wittliff, Charlotte Albert, Cindy Alexander, Janet Doss, Lois Schmidt, Marge Gebhardt and Linder Miller. Helpers were Wanda Walther, Arthur and Joyce Henze, Don Wernli, and S. R. Moss. Schmidt says, “Pastor

Schmidt says, “Pastor Charles did our Blessing and Charlotte Albert decorated. We thank all of our volunteers. Without them, we would not be able to have our luncheons.”

The next Senior Citizens Luncheon will be March 15 at 11:30 a.m.

Schmidt adds, “Peter Wabbel will be hosting the main meal. Come and enjoy this delicious lunch! Also, we’ll be playing Bingo, so bring a prize $10 or under. Plus, we’ll be playing ‘42’ Dominoes.”

New Sweden Church

New Sweden sponsored four families in need with the “Angel Tree.” The youth group stayed involved by volunteering to serve and clean up for our 145th Congregation Anniversary lunch and also by volunteering along with their mothers and Pastor Hans to help the Elgin Police Department wrap gifts for the Blue Santa program.

New Sweden’s adult Sunday school is at 9:15 a.m., and children’s Sunday school is at 9:30 a.m. Barbara Carisalez reports, “We will continue with our three different Bible Study groups that are available to attend throughout every month. The ladies Bible Study is the first Thursday evening at 6:30 p.m. and then the second and fourth Tuesday mornings at 10 a.m. The fourth Sunday after worship service at 11:45 a.m. is our monthly fellowship potluck.”

She adds, “Second and third Thursdays mark game nights with cards and dominoes. The first Monday of the month the Swedish Interest Group meets at 12:30 p.m. in the Parish Hall. It’s a potluck lunch with a short program that follows. Everyone is welcome.”

The New Sweden Heritage Center will host Heritage Day Saturday, April 23. Starting at 3 p.m. you can tour the New Sweden Heritage Center, join in the Maypole dance and many other activities. A homemade Swedish meal will be served at 5 p.m. The meal will include Swedish meatballs, gravy, mashed potatoes, green beans, Swedish rye bread, ligonberry jam and rice pudding. Tickets are $15 for adults and $13 for children under 10. A short program will end the day at 7 p.m. New Sweden

New Sweden Lutheran Church welcomes everyone to all of their Worship Services, bible studies and events. The church is at 12809 New Sweden Church Road. Contact information is [email protected] and www.newswedenelca. org.

Type Church

Charlene Hanson Jordan reports, “Work continues on the interior of Type Church. Installation of new carpet is completed. The side windows are new, the stage is now one level, and there is new flooring in the foyer and in the restrooms. The sanctuary has been painted, and new church chairs will replace the pews to increase seating and comfort.” Type Church worship

Type Church worship services are at 10:30 a.m. every Sunday. There is Children’s Church, and a nursery is available. Communion is the first Sunday of every month.

Pastor Terry says, “Everyone is invited to observe the service of Holy Communion, both children and adults.” Bible Study is on Wednesdays with fellowship at 6 p.m. and study at 6:30 p.m.

Everyone is welcome at Type Church, 1200 County Road 466, about five miles east-southeast of Coupland. To reach Pastor Terrence Kennedy, email [email protected] or phone 512-599-7761. See the Church facebook: Type,Church.1 to listen to sermons.

The Coupland Civic Organization will tour the school for their January meeting. The new building is on the left, and the renovated historic building is on the right. Photo by Susan Garry

The Coupland Civic Organization will tour the school for their January meeting. The new building is on the left, and the renovated historic building is on the right. Photo by Susan Garry

The Coupland volleyball team wrapped up its season. Drone photo by Crystal Ward

The Coupland volleyball team wrapped up its season. Drone photo by Crystal Ward


Taylor Press
