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Monday, March 10, 2025 at 5:33 PM

Candidate forum hosts Anderson, Werner

The two contestants in next month’s only Taylor electoral race faced questions in front of the community last Tuesday. On April 12, Gerald Anderson and Stan Werner answered those questions during the candidate forum hosted by the Taylor Press and Greater Taylor Chamber of Commerce at the Taylor ISD Main Streets Event Center.
Stan Werner (left) and Gerald Anderson shake hands after the candidate forum at the Taylor ISD Main Streets Event Center in Taylor April 11. Photos by Fernando Castro
Stan Werner (left) and Gerald Anderson shake hands after the candidate forum at the Taylor ISD Main Streets Event Center in Taylor April 11. Photos by Fernando Castro

The two contestants in next month’s only Taylor electoral race faced questions in front of the community last Tuesday.

On April 12, Gerald Anderson and Stan Werner answered those questions during the candidate forum hosted by the Taylor Press and Greater Taylor Chamber of Commerce at the Taylor ISD Main Streets Event Center. The two candidates are vying for the District 1 seat on the Taylor City Council, which is currently occupied by incumbent Mayor Pro-Tem Anderson.

“We take what we do very seriously. I’ve taken my job very seriously,” said Anderson. “We’ve made solid decisions to put Taylor in a position for sustainable growth for the future, and we will continue to do that with the leadership that is being provided by me as well as my other council members.”

Questions were submitted by the Chamber, the Press and solicited from the public. One query was what is the most important issue for District 1.

“There’s a big difference between tax rates and taxes,” said Werner. “Two years ago, city council voted to not lower the tax rates and patted themselves on the back that they had not raised taxes. Taxes went up because everybody’s appraisal went up, and everybody has gotten a tax bill knows your appraisal has gone through the roof, and if we do not lower the tax rates, everyone in here is going to feel the pinch.”

Anderson, after emphasizing that the City Council lowered the tax rate by four cents in 2021 after the no-change in 2020, said housing and affordability were the biggest issues in his district.

“With our comprehensive plan brings in affordable housing,” said Anderson. “That’s part of the plan is to have housing for everybody, from bungalows to onebedroom houses to twobedroom houses all the way up to people that want to live in executive housing, so those issues are being addressed already and we’ve done a good job of addressing those already.”

Werner said he didn’t like the city’s current Envision Taylor Comprehensive Plan,which is the municipality’s primary policy document regarding development, transportation, utilities and other capital improvements.

“It’s focused on north. Everything is growing north,” said Werner. “We need to alter it. We need to adjust it. There’s too much money that’s going to be left on the table if we don’t annex all that land to the south. If we don’t get it, somebody will. Either Manor, Hutto, Coupland, somebody’s going to get that money. Might as well be Taylor.

The candidates were also asked what attributes or behavior were essential for a council member.

“Being calm, understanding and listening, and being a great communicator,” answered Anderson. “That’s the most important part about being a councilor because if we don’t communicate with our staff, things don’t get done. So, being able to communicate with staff, communicate with your citizens, communicate with your constituents and listening to them is what I consider the strongest attributes a council.

Werner replied that thick skin was an essential attribute.

“Can’t take anything too personal. There are a bunch of idiots out here, and hopefully I get them to vote for me too,” said Werner, who later replied that he will know that he’s accomplished his goals if people on Facebook hate him. “You can’t listen to the people on Facebook. … You have to get in here, you have to do what you got to do. If you make people mad because you’re doing what you think is right, you’ve got to stand up for your convictions, and I’m more than willing to do that.”

The candidates also answered questions on District 1’s top safety issues, what makes their district unique, a project they would be willing to spearhead, potential concessions and incentives they would give to a future company wanting to come to Taylor on a scale such as Samsung Austin Semiconductor, and other topics.

Candidate forums are hosted by the Chamber and the Press every year with a contested race for a City Council or Taylor Independent School District school board seat. Terms for two council and three school board seats expire in May, but the only position that drew more than one electoral candidate was the city’s District 1.

“The Greater Taylor Chamber of Commerce hosts these forums solely for the education and benefit of our community,” said Tia Rae Stone, Chamber president. “It’s part of our advocacy efforts, and through our partnership with Taylor Press, we keep these free for all who want to attend and Taylor Press of course broadcast them over Facebook.”

To view the full candidate forum, visit http:// www.facebook.com/gotaylortx and scroll down to the April 12 video.


• APRIL 26 – Last day to apply for ballot by mail (received, not postmarked)

• APRIL 25-29 – Early voting 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. at early vote location (Taylor City Hall)

• MAY 2-3 – Early Voting 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. at early vote location (Taylor City Hall)

• MAY 7 – Election Day at vote center locations and last day to receive ballot by mail.

Audience members applaud a speaker during the candidate forum at the Taylor ISD Main Streets Event Center in Taylor April 11.

Audience members applaud a speaker during the candidate forum at the Taylor ISD Main Streets Event Center in Taylor April 11.

Gerald Anderson talks during the candidate forum at the Taylor ISD Main Streets Event Center in Taylor April 11.

Gerald Anderson talks during the candidate forum at the Taylor ISD Main Streets Event Center in Taylor April 11.

Stan Werner answers a question during the candidate forum at the Taylor ISD Main Streets Event Center in Taylor April 11.

Stan Werner answers a question during the candidate forum at the Taylor ISD Main Streets Event Center in Taylor April 11.


Taylor Press